Thursday, 15 October 2020

Marketing Automation

 Right now, the marketing automation industry couldn’t be hotter. Due to increasing adoption rates, analysts are predicting a more than 50% industry revenue increase this year.

Find more about ai marketing automation 

I’m not going to lament about our industry’s growth, but I wonder, are businesses adopting automation the right way? Perhaps the belief that marketing automation supports lousy behaviour more than it creates winsome marketing, or that it’s merely a more powerful spamming engine, is a telling sign.

Marketing Automation

See the artificial intelligence marketing platform

High automation is a result of highly targeted, personalized, valuable, timely, and remarkable content that is sent to a robust and engaged database. The batch-and-blast approach to directing prospects stuff they don’t care about isn’t going to make things better with automation suddenly. If your company feels like creating great content is the core of your problem, and in most of the scenarios I’ve seen, it starts there.

Get more information about artificial intelligence marketing software 

If you ask any sales professional, their view of how automation should be used will likely look different than yours. To overcome a breakdown in sales and marketing alignment, it’s essential to establish and communicate clear guidelines around how automation will achieve the goals of both teams. Building a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the two groups helps exceptionally to work toward a common goal.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Head and Neck Cancer and Treatments

 Warning signals of Head & Neck cancer:

  • A sore or ulcer in the tongue or mouth that does not heal within three weeks
  • Persisting bleeding from the gums or mouth
  • Nasal obstruction associated with bleeding from the nostril
  • Change in voice and/or difficulty in swallowing beyond three weeks
  • A painless lump in the thyroid or elsewhere in the neck
  • A wart or mole which increases in size or changes in colour or starts bleeding

If any of these symptoms are present it is important to immediately see a doctor to rule out cancer.

Find the best head and neck cancer surgery in Hyderabad

Common surgeries performed:

  • Composite resection for oral cancer
  • Total and partial laryngectomy with voice restoration using the latest voice prosthesis
  • Surgery of the thyroid including Robotic thyroidectomy
  • Minimal access Parathyroid surgery using intra-op PTH estimation
  • Parotid and other salivary gland surgery

See the best hospital for medical oncology treatment in Hyderabad

  • Laser surgery for cancer of the larynx
  • Skull base surgery for sinus and other advanced cancers and parapharyngeal tumours
  • Reconstructive surgery of the Head & Neck including micro-vascular free flap technique
  • Trans-oral robotic surgery (TORS) for tumours of the oro-pharynx
  • Vascular tumours of the neck (carotid body tumours etc.)
  • Surgery and reconstruction for skin cancers

Check out more info about radiation oncology surgery in Hyderabad