Friday, 6 December 2019

Factors that cause oral cancer

Factors that cause oral cancer

1. Tobacco:-

Most oral cancers are linked to tobacco use. All forms of tobacco increase the risk for Oral cancer, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, bidis and smokeless tobacco.

2. Alcohol:-

Alcohol is one of the main risk factors for oral cancer. The more you drink, the greater your risk. Using alcohol and tobacco together increases the risk of developing oral cancer more than using either one alone.

3. Human Papillomavirus(HPV):-

HPV is a group of more than 100 different types of related viruses. Infection with HPV-16 increases the risk of oral cancer. Infection with HPV-18 may also increase the risk. HPV is likely the cause of oral cancer that is not linked with tobacco or alcohol use.

oral cancer
oral cancer

4. Poor Oral Health:-

People with poor oral health may have several missing teeth, bleeding gums or chronic infections from bacteria and viruses like HPV. They may not go to the dentist very often to take care of their mouths.

5. Inherited Conditions:-

An inherited, or genetic, the condition is passed from parents to their children through genes. People with the following inherited conditions have a higher risk of developing precancerous changes in the mouth and oral cancer. These develop at a much earlier age than oral cancer caused by other risk factors.

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6. Lichen Planus:-

Lichen planus is a chronic condition that forms a rash or sores on the skin and inside the mouth, usually on the tongue, gums, and lining of the cheeks. Having lichen planus with ulcers in the mouth for a long time increases the risk of developing oral cancer.

7. Sun Exposer:-

Sun exposure increases the risk of developing lip cancer. This is especially true for people who work in the sun for long periods of time, such as farmers.

To know more about oral cancer visit Apollo Cancer Centre.

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